Environmental Contribution Award
Awarded for the product, system, service or initiative that has made a significant and positive impact on the energy efficiency, sustainability or environmental footprint of a building installation or overall commissioning project, within the last 24 months.
Commissioning Management forms a critical part of a fully integrated approach to successful delivery of a project. Media Control Management aim to work alongside your own project team to deliver a fully operational building on time with minimum defects. They help to produce better buildings that are operationally ready at handover and functioning in accordance with user expectations. This is achieved by planning, programming and sequencing all the mechanical commissioning activities at each stage of the construction.
entry criteria
To enter this category, the product, system, service or initiative you are putting forward must have been introduced onto the market within the last 24 months. You can nominate your own energy efficiency, sustainability or environmental initiative or another that you know of or have been associated with.
Entries will be required to illustrate:
Energy efficiency and/or environmental benefits of the submission – energy/cost savings & sustainability credentials
Technical & application details
What, why, where and when was the submission installed/commissioned
Successes in relation to the original brief – improvements delivered/expectations met
Client testimonial
All entries must be submitted online. There is an option to save your entry and complete it at a later date if required, but please ensure your whole entry is submitted by the deadline date as detailed below.
Additional supporting evidence can be attached to the online entry form or emailed to Hannah. Images must be hi-res but must not exceed 10MB. Testimonials should preferably be on letter-headed paper or a time/date-stamped email with company signature, with a 250 maximum word count per testimonial. Datasheets, brochures or catalogues WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED so please refrain from sending these. Video links or links to external websites will also NOT be accepted.
All information will be treated confidentially & will only be circulated amongst the judges. Entries are judged on merit only, with no reference to external consideration.
The closing date for entry is 26th July 2024. Please note this date is final and will not be extended.
All entrants will be informed by email as to whether, or not, they have got through to the final stage of the process.